
Freedom is not absolute – and should not be for a good reason; its boudaries are sometimes crossed when it is mistaken for lack of good judgement. We do not want to sound authoritarian, but we must say that we have faith in every visitor’s ability to uphold the code of conduct. This ensures that everyone will have a good time here.
Please note that we do not and will not tolerate:
- The notorious ”ism” package. This includes racism, sexism, anti-semitism or any other ”ism” that demeans the value of a human being.
- The classic phobia package. Xenophobia, homophobia or any other phobia that is unwarranted and detrimental to the well-being of a certain group of people.
- Any other behaviour that is not conducive to mutual respect, including, but not limited to, bullying and harassment.
We reserve the discretion to interpret and enforce the code of conduct in any way deemed fit and proportionate.
If you really want to avoid the hassle of reading all of the above, just follow the rule of ”treat people as you would like to be treated” — It is not difficult to follow.
Thank you for your understanding.
The Taken for Granted